Người mới


Antpool is one of the largest Bitcoin mining pools and aggregates the computing power of


A piece of software designed to protect against malicious software and cyber attacks in general.

Antitrust Law

Antitrust is a collection of laws that prohibits unfair competition or monopolistic practices by businesses.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

A set of international laws enacted to curtail criminal organizations or individuals laundering money through


Anti-Malware is a type of application software that prevents, detects, and removes malware from computers


A quality attached to an asset that means it performs better when exposed to volatility

Anti-dump/Anti-Dumping Policy

The anti-dumping policy is a set of rules that protects investors from falling victim to


Anonymity is when something is not known or named.

Annualized Rate of Return

‍An annualized rate of return is a way to measure and track the performance of

Annual Report

An annual report is an essential document for any company as it provides a detailed

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

Annual percentage yield (APY) is the rate of return gained over the course of a

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The amount of interest a borrower must pay each year is known as the annual

Angel Investor

A person who financially backs a new business venture or startup.

aNFT (Autonomous NFT)

aNFTs (autonomous NFTs) are non-fungible tokens that can be programmed to initiate their own transactions.

Anchoring and Adjustment

Anchoring is the psychological phenomenon of having a preconceived idea of something and adjusting your


A political philosophy originally conceived by American economist Murray Rothbard that has now been embraced


The European Union’s 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMDL5) is an update to the union’s Anti-Money

Amended Return

An amended return is a revised version of your original tax return.