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Average Directional Index (ADX)

The average directional index (ADX) is a technical indicator that measures how strong a market

Authority Masternode (VeChain)

An authority masternode (AM) is a network-connected server that runs the VeChainThor full node program.

Average Annual Return (AAR)

Average Annual Return (AAR) refers to a percentage derived when reporting the historical return.

Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR)

It is the mean return of an individual investment, portfolio, asset or cash flow on

Autonomous Economic Agent (AEA)

A solution (software entity) by and IOTA foundation that can take actions without external

Automated Market Maker (AMM) [Updated]

An automated market maker (AMM) is a system that provides liquidity to the exchange it


Authentication is a process that confirms a user's identity using passwords, SMS codes, fingerprints, and

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is an immersive experience that improves the value and usage of real-world


An auditor is a trained professional who conducts audits. They are typically employed by accounting


An audit is a process where developers inspect the underlying code and/or algorithm that compose


An auction is a public sale through a bidding process where an asset is sold


AtomicDEX offers a cryptocurrency wallet and DEX in one application that is available for multiple

Atomic Swap

The transfer of cryptocurrency from one party to another, without the use of an exchange


Events that do not occur simultaneously or at the same rate are referred to as


The practice of disguising marketing campaigns or otherwise sponsored messaging as the unprompted views of

Assets Under Management (AUM)

Assets under management measures the total market values of all the funds controlled by an

Asset-Based Lending

In asset-based lending, lenders have a vested interest in the value of a company’s assets

Asset-Based Approach

The asset-based approach takes into account the company's assets for valuation.