Thuật ngữ crypto


A measure of Bitcoin's value in the context of the larger cryptocurrency market.


Someone with a moderate holding of cryptocurrency.

Diversified Proof of Stake

Diversified Proof of Stake is a variation of the popular PoS consensus mechanism that allows


No, not that. The red or green “candles,” or vertical lines, on graphs showing cryptocurrency

Distribution Phase

The distribution phase is the opposite of the accumulation phase. In this phase, the market

Digital Asset Ecosystem

Digital asset ecosystem is a term that defines everything involved in the crypto space. From

Distributed Network

A network in which the data and applications are dependent on multiple sources, as opposed

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

A database that is shared by multiple participants, in multiple places. The basis for blockchains.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack

An attempt by a bad actor to disrupt the operation of an application, server or

Digital Dollar

The term "digital dollar" refers to a possible digital currency issued by the US central

Distributed Consensus

Collective agreement reached among nodes in a network.


Discord is a web-based communication tool or application primarily built to enable communication between gamers.

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

A way of structuring data, often used for data modelling, and increasingly as a consensus


A dip is when markets experience a short or protracted downturn.

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a signature algorithm, not an encryption algorithm, and uses public-key

Digital Signature

A method for proving the authenticity of a digital communication.

Digital Currency

A currency that exists only in digital form, as opposed to traditional physical currencies.

Digital Commodity

A commodity that exists digitally, as opposed to in “meatspace.”